Main and practical goal of this project is in methodology of preparation of new testers for detection of toxic organophosphate and carbamate pesticides, respectively nerve agents. According to the categorization of results it will be a functional sample of the testers.
The project is aimed at the topic of detection of toxic materials with anticholinesterase properties of organofostates and carbamates through help of a simple tester based on recognizing ability of cholinesterases. The project will prepare paper testers with sharp colour definition of presence of organophosphates or carbamates. Main attention will be given to optimalization of cholinesterase detection and choice and optimalization of watching the lowering enzyme activity like a marker of presence of organophosphate or carbamate. The functionality of developed testers will be validated on standard pesticide solutions and in simulated real environment. Analysis parameters will be set for prepared sample testers. The main goal of this project is to prepare functional prototype of testers.
CHemProtect, a. s. participates on this project as coordinator when arranging expert and laboratory work including the solution of individual stages.
created by studio 2009/2010
© chemprotect 2010